Greg Evans
Jul 12, 2020

SAUL LOEB/AFP/Donald Trump Jr
Many of us have spent lockdown either attempting to get fit, complete a gigantic jigsaw puzzle, take up baking, or judging by the number of memes that are now online of the show, watching The Sopranos.
However, Donald Trump Jr has used this time to write a new book attacking his father's election opponent Joe Biden, which he plans to self-publish and release the week of the Republican national convention in August.
The book will be called Liberal Privilege, with Trump Jr adding that people will be shocked by what Biden has already gotten away with and that 'Libs are already triggered' in a tweet that he posted on Saturday evening.
Yet there was something odd about this tweet. Trump Jr had opted to only share a small part of the book's cover. 'What was wrong with the rest of it?' you might say. As reported by Axios, the full title for Trump Jr's book is Liberal Privelege: Joe Biden and the Democrat’s Defense of the Indefensible, and it didn't take people long to notice that there is no need for 'Democrats' to have an apostrophe in it.
The mistakes didn't end there for Trump Jr either. As journalist Garrett M. Graff pointed out 'best-selling' should be hyphenated and that Trump Jr's name should have a comma before Jr but that one might be a little harsh on the man as we would hope that he would at least know how to spell his own name.
In addition, the many typos on the cover, it's a little rich of Trump Jr to criticise others privilege as he has benefitted more than anyone thanks to who his father is.
Speaking to Axios, TJ Ducklo, Biden press secretary said of the book:
Is there anything more on brand than Donald Trump Jr. trying to cash in on a book filled with disgusting lies and smears about Joe Biden? This is the latest in a series of desperate and pathetic attempts to distract from the president's historic bungling of the coronavirus response.
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