
Trump Jr gets smoothly cut off while pushing anti-trans rhetoric on live TV

Donald Trump Jr attempted to launch into a rant about trans people before he was smoothly cut off during his appearance on CBS This Morning, where he appeared to talk about his new book, Triggered: How The Left Thrives on Hate And Wants to Silence Us.

Show host Tony Dokoupil asked the younger Trump if he was “interested in any kind of healing rhetoric that might bring the country closer together?”

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To which Trump Jr responded with a rant about trans people.

I think we’re actually all pretty let - live and let live. So is my father. But today, you know, it’s sort of the ‘woke’ goalposts. They keep moving. The example I use in the book is obviously as it relates to, you know, trans women in sports. 

Identify how you want. I think it’s wonderful. I don’t care. When you start saying, ‘Okay, I’m a man. I’ve become a woman. I’m now winning national championships, setting weightlifting world records,’ you know, displacing women who’ve worked their entire lives to get to a point in their careers. I think it’s wrong. And that’s the point. The goalposts never stop moving. 

At this point the hosts interrupt him in an attempt to move the conversation along, and co-host Anthony Mason asked him if he was interested in running for political office.

“I’m interested in winning 2020 for my father right now,” he said. “We’ll worry about everything else later.”

The exchange was not lost on Twitter users.

He found little support for his views online.

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