Mimi Launder
Jul 23, 2018

Getty Images / Pool / Pool; Getty Images / Michael Gruber / Stringer
Donald Trump is a very impressive badass, everyone - or at least that's what his tweets seem to want to convey.
The recent all-caps addition to the president's exhaustive portfolio of 38.3k tweets (yep, really) was a bizarre, boastful rebuke of Iran.
It declared "you will suffer consequences the likes of which few have ever suffered before".
The unsubtle, harsh threats follows Iran's president Hassan Rouhani caution that Americans "must understand that war with Iran is the mother of all wars and peace with Iran is the mother of all peace".
His comments - reported via the state news agency - appeared to be point to a path towards peace between America and Iran, following the White House pulling out the international nuclear deal with Tehran two months ago.
Is this a distraction technique?
A really, really obvious distraction technique?
Some think that Trump is trying to draw attention for Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort's upcoming trial.
Others think it's a distraction from the Helsinki summit debacle.
There's just so much to distract from.
But there's a bright side for America in all of this.
At least Trump is a consistently bizarre president.
Even if he does come across as a little childish at times.
Also, there's this important point...
More: Donald Trump seems to have only just worked out that The Apprentice was about apprenticeships
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