
This 30-second clip shows that Trump told a blatant lie about his reaction to the 'send her back' chants

Donald Trump is well known for flip-flopping on issues and going back on things he said at the drop of a hat, but it's quite clear that his memory really isn't all that, especially for a 'very stable genius'.

This week the president has been under intense scrutiny for racist comments that he made about four Democrat congresswomen; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, the latter of which was the subject of xenophobic chats from Trump supporters who chanted 'send her back' at a campaign rally for the president on Wednesday.

However, despite telling Omar to leave the United States if she didn't want to live there in a series of tweets on Sunday, Trump is now claiming that he disapproved of his supporters' chant and that he tried to stop it by speaking "very quickly" after they started. Speaking to members of the press on Thursday about the chants he said:

I was not happy with it. I disagree with it. I didn't say that. They did. I started speaking very quickly.

The problem here is not Trump distancing himself from any form of racism and essentially disowning his own fan base, but he's telling a blatant lie. At Wednesday's rally, Trump took 13 seconds to begin speaking again after the chant started (people have run 100 meters in a quicker time) and appeared to bask at the moment which he had created.

By now, we should hardly be surprised that Trump is willing to do and say something that is a complete contradiction, but this is something else. It's even worse when you play the clips back to back, which Vox reporter Aaron Rupar did in a tweet shortly after Trump's attempt to distance himself from the chants.

This clip has already had more than 100,000 views in less than 24 hours and now people are accusing the president of attempting to 'gaslight' the public into believing something that didn't happen.

More: Clip resurfaces of Trump using racist language to describe Native Americans in 1993

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