Greg Evans
Oct 25, 2018
This might come as a shock to you but Donald Trump supporters aren't big fans of his former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Yet, you would hope that on the day an explosive device was sent to her and Bill Clinton's home in Chappaqua, New York, they might show a little compasion. After all, an assassination attempt is nothing to laugh at.
Sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case. At least not at a rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin, where Trump devotees revived the old chant of "lock her up" as senator Leah Vukmir delivered a speech.
This occurred only hours after the devices were discovered at the home of the Clinton's, with other devices being discovered at the properties belonging to Barack Obama and George Soros.
CNN's office in New York City had to be evacuated after another device was discovered there later that day.
As early as this morning, a 'suspicious package' was sent to a restaurant belonging to Robert DeNiro, while another destined for former vice president Joe Biden was found at a mailing facility.
Once the footage of the chant began to circulate online, people were quick to condemn those that engaged with it, Trump himself and the GOP.
Trump was appearing at the rally to offer his support to governor Scott Walker, who is vying for re-election in the state, and the aforementioned Leah Vukmir, who is challenging senator Tammy Baldwin.
The president did address the bomb scares and asked for "all side to come together in peace and harmony" but also said those working in politics "must stop treating political opponents as being morally defective".
While he didn't take an responsibility for the current political rhetoric he did ask the media to "set the national political tone".
The media also has a responsibility to set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks and stories. Have to do it.
HT The Hill
More: Stephen Colbert condemns Trump for doing the bare minimum after bomb scares

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