
G20 summit: Trump casually wanders off stage leaving Argentina's president confused

So far, Donald Trump has been on his best behaviour at the G20 summit, presumably because he has a lot going on back at home.

He almost managed to steer clear of the Putin and bin Salman love-in without getting involved, and wasn't even the worst thing about the 'family photo' of world leaders.

Unfortunately for Trump, he did manage to put his foot in it after leaving Argentina's president Mauricio Macri hanging after a very brief handshake on Friday.

The two leaders met on the G20 stage for a quick exchange of pleasantries before Trump made a very swift exit.

Yet it appeared that Macri was expecting a bit more from the POTUS as he looked bemused as Trump walked off and didn't even wait around to have a photo taken.

The hilarious clip sees Macri left on his own, whilst an assistant chases Trump to try and get him to come back, with journalists and photographers laughing at the whole debacle.

Reports suggest that when off stage Trump muttered "get me out of here" before being dragged back on to the platform.

Footage of the incident has gone viral and people are equally amused and embarrassed.

Trump was supposed to wait on the stage whilst the other world leaders arrived for the aforementioned 'family photo.'

Still, this isn't the first time that Trump has done something like this with his equivalent from another nation.

Last year, when holding a press conference with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he just casually wandered off without acknowledging his counterpart.

HT Daily Mail

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