Sirena Bergman
Oct 31, 2020

With just days to go before the presidential election, there's only one thing on most people's minds: Will the polls turn out to be right about Biden's lead, or will we have a repeat of 2016 on our hands?
As the race hots up, the endorsements are flying in, and the latest publication to back the Democratic candidate is The Economist.
The magazine's latest issue features a striking cover that simply says "Why it has to be Joe Biden", alongside an illustration of the White House.
The article in question argues that a Democratic victory would "restore civility to the White House" and "begin the long, difficult task of putting a fractured country back together again". It also suggests that a Biden win would actually benefit the Republicans, because "a close contest would tempt them into divisive, racially polarising tactics, a dead end in a country that is growing more diverse."
It goes on to offer a scathing indictment of Trump, saying: "The most head-spinning feature of the Trump presidency is his contempt for the truth. [...] Nothing Mr Trump says can be believed."
It was to be expected that such an endorsement would make waves, but the cover illustration has sparked its own dialogue too.
The Economist's president and managing director Bob Cohn tweeted out the image last night, teasing an "Easter egg" for followers to find.
At first, people weren't quite sure what they were looking for...
But eventually the mystery element does become apparent.
Still don't see it? Look closely at the tattered flag, and whether it reminds you of anyone's profile...
People praised the clever design.
Although others found it a little triggering.
Some people took it a step further, and applied creative interpretation to other parts of the illustration too.
Trump has yet to tweet about his face becoming a Rorschach test, but we'll keep you updated if he spots it.
MORE: Will young Black people guarantee Trump's election victory?
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