Greg Evans
May 25, 2020

By now, we don't need to tell you that Donald Trump's response to the coronavirus crisis has been poor at best.
With the death toll in the United States nearing the 100,000 total Trump travelled to Sterling, Virginia, which is just 20 minutes outside of Washington DC to surprise, surprise, play golf.
Trump was spotted playing golf on his own private course on both Saturday and Sunday and his presence was hardly welcome.
However, during his tour of the greens at the Trump National Golf Course, the White House tweeted a series of images from an unspecified meeting with Trump and other Cabinet officials about coronavirus.
The meeting was actually on Tuesday 19 May. You can even watch the entire meeting here.
Given that the tweet was posted on Sunday, five days after it took place and claimed that 'every member of Trump's cabinet,' which would include himself is 'working tirelessly' is a bit of stretch.
Working tirelessly on the golf course, more like.
At the time of the writing, more than 1.6 million people have been infected with Covid-19 in the United States resulting in 98,035 deaths. The US tops the charts for both deaths and infections worldwide.
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