Joanna Taylor
Apr 03, 2020

Win McNamee, Getty Images, Drew Angerer, Getty Images
President Donald Trump has blamed the massive outbreak of coronavirus in New York on the "impeachment hoax" against him.
The president made the outlandish claims in a letter to New York Senator Chuck Schumer.
If you spent less time on your ridiculous impeachment hoax, which went haplessly on forever and ended up going nowhere (except increasing my poll numbers), and instead focused on helping the people of New York, then New York would not have been so completely unprepared for the "invisible enemy".
Senator Schumer had written to the president criticising his administration's "tardiness and inadequacy" in responding to the coronavirus.
He also urged Trump to designate a logistical expert from the military to plan the distribution of medical supplies throughout the states.
But the president dismissed Mr Schumer's letter as "Democrat public relations" full of "incorrect soundbites".
More than 2,000 people have died from Covid-19 in New York State.
In another pointed dig in his response, the president wrote:
No wonder AOC and others are thinking about running against you in the primary. If they did, they would likely win.
Mr Trump's letter defends his administration's fight against coronavirus, whilst blaming New York for coming to it "very late".
Senator Schumer has since hit back, accusing the president of beind petty.
California Senator Kamala Harris accused the president of not understanding his job.
It's not the first time president Trump has turned the conversation on coronavirus to attacking the Democrats.
At a campaign rally in late February, he said that politicising the virus was their new "hoax".
The president is clearly still rattled by his impeachment and is spending his time attacking the Democrats.
There just might be more important things to be getting on with.
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