
New 'gut-wrenching' Lincoln Project videos offer devastating look at Trump's failings

The Lincoln Project has done it again, releasing two new ads yesterday which will it hopes will make voters think twice about re-electing the president.

The first of two chilling adverts says starkly: “[Trump's] lying is killing us”.

It shows a gloomy background and the sound of ventilated breathing alongside the beeping of various hospital machines, the advert notes the lonely reality of a death from coronavirus.

“A death from Covid is the loneliest death imaginable, no husband or wife,” is the message that appears on the screen. “No son or daughter by your side. No sister or brother. No extended family or lifelong friends,” follows next.

"Over 200,00 Americans have lost their life to Covid. We could have stopped it ... We have to stop it. Vote him out” is the message that closes the advert, blaming Donald Trump for the US hosting the highest number of Covid-19 deaths and cases in the world.

It prompted people to share their experiences of loved ones' deaths.

And those of healthcare workers who have seen these situations close up.

Shortly after they followed up with an equally sombre clip, highlighting the 211,000 Americans who have died from Covid-19.

Using the high death and infection rate in America, the Lincoln Project ad states that the upcoming presidential election is a choice between “Trump or America”.

The adverts were released on Tuesday, the same day Trump left the Walter Reed Medical Centre, where he was being treated after testing positive for Coronavirus.

Upon his return to The White House, Trump ripped off his mask and declared: "Don’t let [Covid] dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. I’m better, and maybe I’m immune – I don’t know. Get out there. Be careful.”

The President has repeatedly downplayed the severity of the virus, saying it is, in “most populations far less lethal!!!” when compared to the flu.

This tweet has now been flagged as containing misleading and false information, as the flu is not understood to be more lethal than Covid.

The two ads in question mark a departure from the Lincoln Project's typical output, which typically take a humorous tone in their scathing indictments of the president.

They resonated with the public, and many people thought a more stark perspective would jolt voters into realising the danger a second Trump term presents.

The Lincoln Project is a group founded by Republicans, with their core aim being to "Defeat President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box."

Given Trump's recent dramatic drop in the polls, it seems they may be on their way to getting their wish.

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