Greg Evans
Mar 10, 2020

MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images
Despite not being able to say how the United States is going to deal with the spread of coronavirus, Donald Trump seems to think that his wall would do a good job of keeping out a deadly respiratory disease.
Trump's infamous border wall, which he basically built his entire campaign on four years ago, still isn't built but according to this "very stable genius" this huge blockade would keep out the disease which has already infected more than 100,000 people and forced Italy into a complete lockdown.
Quote retweeting one of his many cheerleaders, Charlie Kirk, who incidentally called coronavirus "China virus," Trump said in regards to the disease:
Going up fast. We need the Wall more than ever!
The president of the United States of America, everyone!
As you can imagine, Trump's statement and questionable belief that a wall could stop a disease saw him subjected to widespread ridicule.
Also, the term "China virus" is completely reprehensible.
Also, it's probably worth pointing out that the United States has reported 688 confirmed cases of the virus, while Mexico has had just seven. We'll just let you think about that one.
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