
Trump's bleach claim is so absurd that even Cillit Bang's Barry Scott has had to debunk it

The last thing that we expected to be reporting on in the middle of a deadly pandemic is Donald Trump spouting nonsense about disinfectant and bleach manufacturers actually having to discredit him but here we are.

Trump's bizarre statement that disinfectant might be able to cure a person of Covid-19 is undoubtedly the strangest moment of this entire period and was so absurd that the makes of brands like Dettol told people to not test their products on their bodies whatsoever.

The mockery for the president was rife and jokes including Barry Scott, the iconic enthusiastic spokesperson for the Cillit Bang who would light up advertisement breaks many years ago, were rife.

With all this in mind, some were wondering what Barry Scott's advice would be on using bleach to treat coronavirus. Well, the man, or Neil Burgess, the actor who played Scott, has spoken.

In a Facebook video, Burgess adopted the Barry Scott persona and in no uncertain terms told people to not use any sort of cleaning product to tackle any sort of illness.

This appears to have come about after Mitten d'Amour, who is a friend of Burgess contacted him and told him what Trump had said which then resulted in the above video.

Needless to say, this completely bizarre crossover received a lot of love.

Once again, please don't use Cillit Bang or any other cleaning products to treat coronavirus.

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