Darren Richman
Dec 16, 2019

It’s always darkest before the dawn and one can only hope the rumours of the death of progressive politics in this country have been greatly exaggerated. Sometimes it feels hardest when one is in the midst of something and there is a sense that there is no hope for the future at all. As if things couldn’t feel bleaker, the Tories have release a picture of their HQ when the results came in and it’s unintentionally extremely telling.
The picture, doing the rounds on Twitter, depicts Boris Johnson and his team and there does not seem to be a single person of colour in the room.
That’s right, the team behind the party chosen to lead the country is completely unrepresentative of the UK at large and London in particular. People on Twitter were, understandably, less than impressed by this photograph.
More: 16 terrifying Boris Johnson quotes everyone should read before they vote
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