Bethan McKernan
Jun 18, 2015

You were probably given on a lot of advice on leaving school about adult life, work and relationships - but chances are it could boil down to just "the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate hate."
New Hampshire High school valedictorian Colin Yost gave a moving speech about embracing your inner nerd before telling his audience to "shake it off" as the Taylor Swift anthem came over the speakers, busting out some adorkable moves worthy of Taylor herself.
There was awkward laughter from the crowd before - to their amazement - Yost descended from the stage towards his classmates and they all joined in with a perfectly choreographed routine.
"I’ve always wanted to do a flash mob and I thought graduation would be the perfect place because our class is very cohesive and doesn’t really have a lot of cliques,” Yost told MTV News.
Yost and a few of his friends choreographed a dance and put together am instruction video for the whole graduating class. They got the school administration on board and all 230 classmates showed up for rehearsals to make sure they could wow their families on graduation day.
We get the feeling Taylor would approve.
For the full video, watch the clip below:
More: High school student finally gives speech he was banned from giving because he was gay
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