Ellen Stewart
Jan 30, 2016

Once upon a winter's day keepers at the Primorsky Safari Park in Russia, offered up a goat as a hearty snack for a Siberian tiger named Cupid.
However, the story did not play out as you'd expect. Cupid did not make a meal of the goat. Instead they became companions, comrades, mates, pals, buds, chums, the very best of friends.
People across the world came together to celebrate the unlikely pairing, suggesting we all take heed from these two creatures and all just get along.
Тут меня попросили выложить текст заявления в Генпрокуратуру отправленного через интернет-приемную. Наслаждайтесь, если ...
Posted by Алексей Крестьянов on Wednesday, 27 January 2016
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