
This robot can solve a Rubik's cube in one second

This robot can solve a Rubik's cube in one second

Another day, and even more proof that the machines are progressing at an alarming rate before they eventually enslave humanity.

Or something like that.

Either way - there's something mightily impressive/terrifying about this robot, which is able to master a tricky Rubik's cube in a matter of seconds.

The all powerful creation is the brainchild of software engineers Paul Rose and Jay Flatland - and is capable of solving the classic puzzle using a combination of webcams and computer algorithms - along with a specialised turning platform.

But the pair are now applying to get a world record verified for the machine - after the video appeared to show the feat being undertaken in a sequence of 1.196 seconds, 1.152 seconds, 1.047 seconds, and 1.019 seconds.

That's a total destruction of the current record - which stands at a comparatively sluggish 3.253 seconds.

We, for one, welcome our new Rubik's cube solving overlords.

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