
This poster explains what 'rape culture' is for people who find it hard to understand

Picture: Electra-K-Vasileiadou/istock
Picture: Electra-K-Vasileiadou/istock

Ultra Violet is a campaigning and advocacy group in the US founded by Nita Chaudhary and Shaunna Thomas, who work on issues relating to women –“especially women of colour and LGBTQ women, front and centre.”

Given the early release of Brock Turner, who two people witnessed, and later identified as the rapist of a young university student, they created an infograph to, once and for all explain what ought to be glaringly obvious:

What is 'rape culture'?

Picture: Ultra Violet

1. Rape cases aren't being reported

According to Rape Crisis, 85,000 women and 12,000 men are raped in England and Wales every year. Despite approximately 11 rapes committed an hour, only 15 per cent of victims report it to the police.

2. Rapists aren't being sent to jail

In the case of Brock Turner, he was given just six months prison time, and only ended up serving three of them.

But it's not just high profile cases.

Statistics reveal a grim reality: fewer than one in thirty “major sex crimes” leads to a conviction for the offence.

3. Universities can be hostile to victims of rape and sexual abuse

Research conducted by The Telegraph shows that one third of female university students in Britain have been the recipient of unwanted sexual advances or sexual assault.

According to one investigation, almost half of Russell Group universities fail to properly record allegations of rape, sexual assaults and sexual harassment.

So the next time someone pipes up to claim rape culture doesn't exist, quietly direct them here.

More: 22 signs we live in a rape culture

More: This furious open letter expresses what many women have been thinking about the Stanford rape case

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