Narjas Zatat
Sep 12, 2016

Picture: Tim McGraw Facebook/screengrab
People say teaching is one of the most rewarding professions in the world.
Not only do you get to watch a generation grow, but you are also an integral part of each child’s development.
Which is why, when teacher Ben Ellis became ill with cancer, students at Christ Presbyterian Academy in Nashville came to his house to offer love and support.
According to Leslie Ponder, who says she is a teacher at the school, the decision to visit Ellis had been made by 'the children':
I am a teacher at this school and blessed to call Ben a friend. The school is Christ Presbyterian Academy in Nashville. This was a spur of the moment decision to go.. students were in the middle of clas, some taking quizzes and tests and dropped everything for a bigger lesson on life, love, community, compassion.
400 students made their way to his house and sang hymns and religious songs
That's more or less the entire student body. Fellow teachers were there too, as well as other faculty...
Ellis joined in, singing with his students...
The heartwarming video, which had caught the eye of country singer Tim Mcgraw, has been viewed almost 18 million times...
Parents of Ellis’ students poured their love into the comments section:
Our children attend CPA and my high schooler LOVES Mr Ellis, he was her Latin teacher for 2 years. We ALL love Mr. Ellis and his precious family. The kids were giving back to him some of the love he has given to them. He is the definition of a teacher, a role model, a servant. He wrote the kids a letter telling them he is even more certain now that God is Good and with us. And Ben is full of hope, joy, and peace.
The parents have apparently received a letter from the school principle...
I wanted to give you an update on this morning’s change of schedule and chapel for the high school, as it was a bit unorthodox, but sometimes that’s just how the Holy Spirit calls us to be.
Over the course of last night and into this morning, three separate and unrelated people approached me saying that while praying they received a vision of the high school students and faculty singing praises on the front lawn of the home of Ben Ellis, our Latin teacher who is battling cancer and who loves a good hymn sing.
So, we loaded the buses and cars and went. It was a powerful and moving outpouring of love that our students were able to bestow upon a man who loves us well. We returned to campus and went straight into chapel, where we prayed and praised God. It was broken and beautiful.
Bob Ellis, Ben Ellis’ father also wrote:
Ben is my son. Through his ministry and teaching, he has positively touched countless hundreds of lives directly and many thousands indirectly. He, his wife and children are a beautiful family.
Absolutely heartwarming.
HT MailOnline
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