Dina Rickman
Jul 11, 2014

You're not alone, Vladimir Putin. Warning: this list features Silvio Berlusconi on more than one occasion.
“A good wife doesn't disagree with her master in public and a good little girl doesn't lie about why she quit politics."
Labour MP Austin Mitchell, 2012
"When a politician says yes, he means maybe, when he says maybe, he means no, and if he says no, he's not a politician. When a lady says no, she means maybe, when she says maybe, she means yes, and if she says yes, she's not a lady."
Former Chilean president Sebastián Piñera, 2010
“While I think men and women are equal, they are also different and I think it's inevitable and I don't think it's a bad thing at all that we always have, say, more women doing things like physiotherapy and an enormous number of women simply doing housework.”
Current Australian prime minister Tony Abbott, 2010
"When asked if they would like to have sex with me, 30 per cent of women said, 'Yes', while the other 70 per cent replied, 'What, again?'."
Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, 2011
"Anyone who has chosen to remain deliberately barren... they've got no idea about what life's about."
Australian Senator Bill Heffernan on Julia Gillard, 2007
"If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."
Former Republican Congressman Todd Akin, 2012
"Money is more important for men. Take a hypothetical husband and wife who are both lawyers. But the husband is working 50 or 60 hours a week, going all out, making 200 grand a year. The woman takes time off, raises kids, is not 'go go go'. Now they're 50 years old. The husband is making 200 grand a year, the woman is making 40 grand a year. It wasn't discrimination. There was a different sense of urgency in each person."
Republican Senator Glenn Grothman, 2012
"She says she is on a diet and then helps herself to a second helping of cheese."
Nicolas Sarkozy on Angela Merkel, 2011
"Regulation in protection of women is all well and good in academic and government circles. If you're a small business, you'd be a lunatic to hire a woman of child bearing age.”
Former Ukip MEP Godfrey Bloom, 2004
“"I would just like to challenge the idea that it is necessary to have a lot of women, or a particular number, on a board. Business is very, very competitive and you should take the performance of women in another competitive area, which is sport where [men] have no strength advantage.”
Ukiptreasurer Stuart Wheeler , 2013
"It’s better not to argue with women… When people push boundaries too far, it’s not because they are strong but because they are weak. But maybe weakness is not the worst quality for a woman."
Vladmir Putin on Hillary Clinton, 2014
"If I may say so, there are some comparisons which suggest there are real, serious sexual harassments and so forth, and I don't think he's one of the most serious cases."
Lib Dem Baroness Shirley Williams on Lord Rennard, 2014
“Calm down, dear”
David Cameron to Angela Eagle MP, 2011
“If she didn’t want us to take an interest in her, then she shouldn’t have changed her look.”
French MP Patrick Balkany on wolf-whistling the housing minister, 2013
"Feminists are now amongst the most obnoxious bigots."
Dominic Raab, Tory MP, 2011
“Just because India achieved freedom at midnight does not mean that women can venture out after dark. They should ensure that they do not board buses with few passengers. The woman should have thought twice before boarding the suspicious private bus that night. Though the incident was condemnable, she should also have behaved keeping in mind the situation."
Indian politician Botsa Satyanarayana on the Delhi rape case, 2012
"A debate between a man and woman is very complicated because if you abuse your intellectual superiority, or whatever it may be, you end up looking like a machista [chauvinist] who is cornering a defenceless woman."
Spanish politician Miguel Arias Cañete, 2014
“I wouldn't want to stay with daughters who are not getting married. Because that in itself is a problem in society. I know that people today think being single is nice. It's actually not right. That's a distortion. You've got to have kids. Kids are important to a woman because they actually give an extra training to a woman, to be a mother."
South African president Jacob Zuma, 2012
"People will vote for Daniela Santanchè because she is a beautiful babe."
Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, 2008
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