Dina Rickman
Mar 03, 2015

Did you know land the size of an escalator step would cost more than £6,000 in central London? Or a house the size of a Tube carriage is priced at more than £300,000 in the capital?
Politicians will be confronted with these facts about the reality of the affordable housing crisis as part of a bold campaign that they won't be able to avoid.
The Homes for Britain campaign aims to put housing at the centre of the political landscape, and adverts like the ones above will also highlight how much a square foot of land would cost in Edinburgh, Bath, York or Oxford.
The posters will stay on display in Westminster Tube station until April, meaning this month MPs will be getting a daily reminder of Britain's affordable housing crisis.
Eight organisations are leading the Homes for Britain campaign including Crisis, the National Housing Federation and the Chartered Institute of Housing but it is backed by organisations across the housing sector.
In mid-March Homes for Britain will hold a rally in Westminster calling on the next government to work to end the housing crisis and build more homes. Housebuilding in Britain is at its lowest peacetime level for 90 years, and the average house in Britain costs seven times the average salary.
David Orr, chief executive of the National Housing Federation, said: "For years the housing sector has warned that our country needs to build more homes, yet our voices were drowned out. As a result house prices have soared and we have failed young people and families in the capital and right across the country who are struggling every day with housing costs."
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