Matthew Champion
Feb 01, 2015

People in the UK have a more unfavourable view of Russia than any other country in the world, while Australia is looked upon the most favourably.
A weighted survey of 2,000 adults carried out last summer on befhalf of thinktank Chatham House revealed Britons felt favourable about English-speaking countries and those in northern Europe.
North Korea was behind Russia as the least favourable country, while Israel overtook Iran as the third most unfavourably viewed state, in part due to the polling being carried out during last year's war with Hamas in Gaza.
A note on the methodology: 2,059 adults, excluding Northern Ireland, were polled online between August 6 and 12 last year. They were presented with two lists of European and non-European countries and asked which they felt especially favourable or unfavourable towards. The results have been merged into the above maps, and 'none of them' and 'don't know' responses excluded.
Source: Chatham House / YouGov
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