It seems like the embattled prime minister Theresa May can't get anything right. Not even, it would appear, the difference between Salisbury and Bath.
On the year anniversary of the novichok poisoning in Salisbury, Number 10 decided to tweet out a statement from the PM about the attack.
However, the Downing Street account accidentally used a picture of Bath, not Salisbury, to illustrate the tweet.
Yes, really. You couldn't make this stuff up.
Taking to the social media site, they posted the photograph, along with a tribute from the prime minister that read:
Salisbury has fought back so well from such a devastating and reckless incident - a testament to the resolve, forbearance and positivity of the community.
Needless to say, eagle-eyed Twitter users quickly picked up on the mistake.
In a tweet, Times journalist Matt Chorley wrote:
PM pays tribute to Salisbury as a 'beautiful, welcoming English city' in​ @10downingstreet tweet using a photo of... ​BATH
Many social media users wondered whether Chris Grayling was behind the post.
Others thought the tweet bodes well for Brexit.
While some thought it was 'pitiful'.
Downing Street quickly deleted the original tweet blaming 'human error', and replaced the image with one of the front door of Number 10, and a statement from May reading:
I hope that moving forward Salisbury will once again be known for being a beautiful, welcoming English city and not for the events of 4 March 2018
Mrs May is visiting Salisbury to mark the first anniversary of the novichok attack that left former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Jullia Skripal fighting for their lives. The house where the spy and his daughter were poisoned was declared safe on Friday after extensive decontamination.
Mrs May visted two shops close to the cathedral and greeted members of the public on the high street, reports Sky News.
In a statement, the PM said the anniversary is an 'important milestone' for the city as it...
...emerges from the shadow cast by the use of chemical weapons on the streets of our country.