This week you will no doubt have enjoyed tucking into some pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and then questioned why some people were walking around with black marks on their heads on Ash Wednesday.
It's all part of the Easter tradition in Britain but the looming spectre of Brexit, which is less than a month away, was in the back on many people's minds as they tucked into their Nutella coated pancakes.
While the deadlock on Britain's negotiations to leave the EU continues to remain stubbornly motionless, Theresa May took some time away from the political maelstrom to share a special message on Twitter about Easter and the meaning behind Lent.
However, the PM's tweet backfired quite badly as people began to list the many things that they are giving up for Lent, which include fresh fruit and veg and insulin, which in a worst-case scenario could disappear from these isles on 29 March - among other Brexit themed jokes.
Maybe Theresa will just give up her job for Lent?
What would Jesus do?
This tweet came just a few hours after Theresa May agreed with Tory MP Simon Hoare after he urged the Commons to back the PM's maligned Brexit deal for Lent.