
Theresa May said God's guidance was helping her plan Brexit. So someone FOId it

Theresa May said God's guidance was helping her plan Brexit. So someone FOId it

Politicians get advice from some questionable people.

That’s just politics. We all remember the likes of Andy Coulson or Sir Philip Green.

But Theresa May, who was brought up in a vicarage, has cited someone slightly more left field her adviser.


May told The Sunday Times in an interview last month that her faith will guide her decision-making concerning getting the country out of the EU:

I suppose there is something in terms of faith, I am a practising member of the Church of England and so forth, that lies behind what I do.

James McWilliam wasn't happy with the idea of this unvetted adviser influencing Brexit, so he's sent a Freedom of Information (FOI) request questioning May’s comments about being guided by God.

Titled 'Guidance from Prime Minister's faith in God', it states:

Dear Prime Minister’s Office,

Following a recent interview where the Prime Minister said that her faith in God would help guide our path out of Europe, could you please tell me what advice and/or guidance, official or otherwise, the Prime Minister has received, either from God directly or indirectly through her faith in God?

Yours faithfully,

James McWilliam

McWilliam is yet to receive a response, but we very much look forward to what the government will say.

Presumably, it'll be something along the lines of

God means God


Faith means faith.

More: Six of Theresa May's most controversial moments

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