Narjas Zatat
Mar 28, 2019
Theresa May appears to have a dwindling supply of old friends.
Baroness Meyer was interviewed by Victoria Derbyshire on BBC News to talk about the prime minister and the recent Commons vote.
All eight Brexit options had been voted down, bringing the UK one day closer to the 12 April deadline without a deal in place.
On Wednesday May told Tory MPs that she was willing to resign as prime minister if they supported her Brexit deal – though the DUP have revealed that they would not.
Victoria Derbyshire introduced the Baroness as May’s “dear friend” in the segment titled, 'Where did it go wrong for Theresa May?’
Except it started off with a hitch when, upon hearing herself being referred to as the prime minister’s “personal friend,” the baroness giggled.
“Why are you smiling like that?” Derbyshire asked.
Is that not true? You are a personal friend?
“No , no I mean I know her,” the Baroness explained.
I know her well. But personal friend is a very, ah, how do you call it, try? Not try…but you know, she’s a close person. So personal friends sort of feels a bit…
The baroness trailed off awkwardly.
Victoria picked things up quickly, and suggested: “Not how we would necessarily define 'personal friend'?”
“Yes,” the baroness replied.
The exchanged had been spotted by Times’ deputy political editor Sam Coates, who tweeted the exchange with a shocked emoji.
Others cringed at the uncomfortable exchange
And inevitable meme reaction followed
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