
There's something very wrong with these photos of Jeremy Corbyn's rally

Picture: Scott Barbour/Getty Images
Picture: Scott Barbour/Getty Images

Jeremy Corbyn addressed thousands of supporters in St George's Square on Monday.

He described the challenge to his leadership as an opportunity to reach out to people across the country.

He told the audience:

This is a campaign about, on one level, the leadership of the Labour party, but it’s also a campaign about how we do politics in our society. Is it to be a politics of an elite […] or is it to be a politics of people expressing their views, their hopes, their aspirations for this generation and the next generation?

People are tweeting photos to the BBC claiming they aren't covering Jeremy Corbyn's rally.

The photographs they are tweeting are actually from Liverpool FC's welcome home parade after their 2005 Champions League victory.

Thousands of fans cheer the Liverpool football team on 26 May 2005 (Picture: MARTIN RICKETT/AFP/Getty Images)

However, that isn't to say Jeremy had an insubstantial number turn out. There were many, estimates pointing to roughly 5,000.

Picture: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

But this is to be expected in Liverpool, a Labour stronghold which is not representative of the country's electorate.

As many have pointed out.

And have since begun mocking...

Although, his leadership adversary Owen Smith can't talk at all.

In comparison, Jeremy Corbyn has been blessed by the left hand of Jerzy Dudek

Picture: Getty, edited by indy100

More: People are laughing at how small the crowd was for an Owen Smith rally in Liverpool

More: 11 charts and one map Jeremy Corbyn will definitely not want to see

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