
There's a cat video that could help you stop smoking

There's a cat video that could help you stop smoking

There is no one on this green earth who doesn't enjoy internet cat videos.

But I'm more of a dog person, we hear you cry. But cat videos are like, sooo 2006.

You don't need to pretend.

And you're allowed to be worried about what's been dubbed 'Catmageddon' - the fact that pets are dying because of their owner's smoking habits.

Cats are twice as likely to get cancer if their owner smokes.

Smoking = No Cats = NO Cat videos.

This video is from the Truth Initiative, an American anti-smoking organisation funded by a 1999 Big Tobacco court settlement.

Their other ideas to get the world to quit smoking include eating more humous.

More: Meanwhile in Russia, there's a bizarre anti-smoking advert featuring Barack Obama

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