Evan Bartlett
Jul 22, 2016

At the end of June, people from across Scotland were asked to show solidarity with new arrivals as part of the country's Refugee Festival.
As part of the festival, Welcoming Edinburgh, a local charity which helps refugees to integrate in Scotland, asked people to write messages of support to those who had fled war, famine or persecution.
After seeing so many messages flood in, deputy director Elaine Mowat explained to indy100 that the team thought it would be a nice idea to get one from Nicola Sturgeon.
After sending her a message a few weeks ago, the charity received her hand-written response on Monday:
I am delighted to welcome you.
Scotland is now your home + we are privileged to have you here.
I hope you find the peace and safety that you need to rebuild your lives.
Best wishes,
Nicola Sturgeon
First minister of Scotland
Which is a bit different from the welcome new arrivals have received elsewhere in the UK...
More: This video shows you what it's like to be a refugee through your phone
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