
The website on Ukip Scotland's election posters doesn't actually exist

Ukip Scotland leader David Coburn
Ukip Scotland leader David Coburn

Ukip unveiled its Scottish manifesto at an event in Falkirk on Monday morning, promising an alternative to the Barnett formula which determines the share of spending in the country.

While Ukip enjoys an opinion poll rating in the mid-teens for the whole of the UK (14.1 per cent as of Monday), the latest polls in Scotland show they have just 4 per cent of the vote north of the border.

So where could Scottish voters head if they didn't know much about Ukip's policies? According to posters set up at the event where Ukip Scotland leader David Coburn launched the manifesto, it would be

The trouble with that? As those of you who clicked on the above link may have noticed, that page doesn't actually exist.

Oh dear.

According to BBC News, owing to a "delay in the post" over the bank holiday weekend the manifesto launch also failed to feature any hard copies.

Oh double dear.

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