Louis Dor
Jul 02, 2016

Picture: Louis Doré/CartoDB
Following the recent terror attack in Turkey at the Ataturk international airport in Istanbul, in which 41 people were killed and 239 injured, the foreign office changed the travel advice for the country.
All but essential travel to the south east of the country was warned against, whereas people travelling elsewhere in the country were advised to remain vigilant.
Meanwhile the foreign office is considering easing its advice not to travel to Tunisia following last year's terrorist attack in which 30 British tourists were killed.
The Tunisian tourist industry has suffered greatly following the attacks, as revenues for the first quarter were down by 51.7 per cent for the first quarter, compared to last year.
Tourism accounts for roughly 8 per cent of the country's GDP on a regular year.
We've collated the foreign office travel advice for all countries in the world in one handy map.
If you tap on a country you can also find a link to the advice page.
Explore the map, below:
Note: Even if there is no advice against travelling in a country you should check the foreign office for advice. All information correct as of 2 July 2016.
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