Dina Rickman
Nov 05, 2014

Today in what a time to be alive, we present the first pornographic movie filmed by drones.
Without the sex Drone Boning would be a three-minute eerily beautiful compilation of landscapes. With the sex, it's an eerily beautiful three-minute long compilation of landscapes featuring occasional nudity/penetration.
Brandon LaGanke, one of filmmakers behind Drone Boning, told Vice its concept was, essentially, "make porn, not war". "We wanted to explore the whole idea of drone privacy and strikes."
I would never shoot a real porn like this. If you can't masturbate to it, man, it's not a good pornography film.
- Brandon LaGanke to Vice
You can watch the footage, shot by Spark Ariel by clicking here. It almost but not quite goes without saying that this is still NSFW.
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