Kate Plummer
Jun 11, 2021
As football fans gear up for the long-anticipated Euros, they should note that certain signs of patriotism could land them in hot water.
It turns out, anyone who feels like attaching an England (or any other) flag to their car could find themselves slapped with a £1,000 fine.
According to the ‘Ask The Police’ website, which was created by the PNLD (Police National Legal Database) – a national organisation governed by West Yorkshire Police – there are a few things you need to consider before sticking a St George on your motor.
If the flag obstructs your vision, or that of other drivers, or if it isn’t securely fixed and could fly off – causing damage or injury – you could be setting yourself up for trouble.
The website adds: “So although there is not a specific offence, you could commit an offence by having a flag on your car.
“It is the officer’s discretion whether or not to take matters further if he/she feels that an offence has been committed.”
If you break any of these rules, you could face a £1,000 fine for “failure to have proper control of vehicle or full view of the road and traffic ahead”, as per the Highway Code.
That certainly wouldn’t be something to celebrate.

The football tournament was rescheduled from last year due to coronavirus and is set to start tonight.
We will be waving our flags in support, maybe, but from a safe distance and certainly not from a vehicle.
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