
The countries Brits welcome - and dislike - immigration from

The countries Brits welcome - and dislike - immigration from

Ukip leader Nigel Farage is today clarifying his party's immigration policy, as a proposed 50,000-strong cap on net annual immigration is dropped.

Despite Ukip spokesman Steve Woolfe only last week committing to the measure, Farage ruled out an "arbitrary target".

Prime minister David Cameron has been criticised for failing to hit his target of cutting net immigration to below 100,000, with the most recent figures putting the actual number at 298,000.

As the below charts show, Ukip is the most trusted party on immigration, but overall people feel contradicted about its impact.

Respondents in the same survey the charts are based on were asked whether immigrants from a selection of countries had made a positive or negative impact upon the UK. The results are mapped below.

Source: YouGov / Red Box from the Times

YouGov interviewed 1,581 British adults between February 24 and 25

Note: Due to limitations in mapping software, 'West Indies' in the survey has been expressed as Jamaica in the graphics. The Ukip version of the map includes only responses from Ukip voters polled.

More: [How times have changed with Australia's immigration policy]2

More: [Ten other things Nigel Farage has tried to blame on immigration]3

More: [Can you pass a UK citizenship test? Most young people can't]4

More: [This is how they celebrate immigration in Belgium]5

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