Bethan McKernan
Jun 23, 2015

Dylann Roof, the suspect in the murders of nine black churchgoers in Charleston last week, was arrested after a 16-hour manhunt 200 miles away from the scene of the crime.
The 21-year-old with reported white supremacist allegiances was spotted by a member of the public and arrested in North Carolina without incident. But according to local media, Roof's attempt to escape the authorities left him with an appetite.
Shelby police chief Jeff Ledford said that his officers took Roof to Burger King when he complained of hunger.
Earlier in the day, Roof had bought water and chips at a south Charlotte gas station. Now he was hungry. Police bought him food from a nearby Burger King, Ledford said.
- The Charlotte Observer
Strickland Maddox, a local pastor who was asked to assist the police in communicating with the local community and calming racial tensions, said police told him:
[Roof] hadn’t eaten, they said, in a couple of days... They bought him a hamburger. They just sent out for it. I guess one of the police officers went and picked it up.
- Strickland Maddox, Pastor at Eskridge Grove Baptist Church, Shelby, North Carolina
Ledford confirmed to Yahoo News: “[Roof] did have something to eat while he was there, and he was secured in cuffs the entire time.”
If only it had been these guys who arrested Eric Garner or Freddie Grey:
More: The picture that exposes America's racist double standards?
More: What the loved ones of Dylann Roof's alleged victims said to him in court
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