Emily Shackleton
Apr 16, 2015

Students who feel let down by the rise in tuition fees - the National Union of Students has announced that it is "payback time".
The NUS has launched an billboard campaign alongside a petition that brands 31 Liberal Democrat and Conservative MPs "liars" for going against their promise to oppose any increase in tuition fees.
For the next three weeks, billboards will be appearing in London, Sheffield and Manchester and ad vans will be travelling to the MPs' constituencies to "shine a unrelenting national spot light" on those who broke the pledge.
NUS president Toni Pearce said in a rejection of Nick Clegg's 2012 apology that "they won’t let them trade lies for power again".
"They pledged to scrap tuition fees - they lied," she added. "We represent seven million students and are urging every single one across the country to vote against broken pledges."
At a time when NUS polls are reporting that 77 per cent of students do not trust politicians to keep their promises, Ms Pearce told that the Liberal Democrats should "really be worried" about not being able to rely on the student vote.
“There’s a difference between not delivering policies on their manifesto and doing the complete opposite to what they promise," she said. "Both the wider public and students feel let down and lied to.”
Sorry, Nick...
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