
HMRC has released the most ridiculous reasons people have used for not filing their tax return

HMRC has released the most ridiculous reasons people have used for not filing their tax return

From hungry pets devouring paperwork to family feuds, HMRC has revealed the worst excuses it has heard over the past year from people filing late tax returns.

1. My tax papers were left in the shed and the rat ate them.

2. I always relied on my sister to complete my returns but we have now fallen out.

3. My accountant has been ill.

4. My dog ate my tax return.

5. I will be abroad on deadline day with no internet access so will be unable to file.

6. My niece made the house so untidy I could not find my log-in to complete my return online.

7. My husband ran over my laptop.

8. My laptop broke, so did my washing machine.

9. I had an argument with my wife and went to Italy for five years.

10. I had a cold which took a long time to go.

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