Greg Evans
Sep 22, 2017

The hours that some men spend watching online porn is allegedly leading them to develop severe health problems.
Porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED) is an issue first outlined by Dr. Abraham Morgentaler at Harvard Medical School - and it's reportedly becoming more and more common among young men who simply cannot get aroused anymore.
Rolling Stone report that hundreds of thousands of men are turning to websites like Reboot Nation and Your Brain on Porn, to report problems they are experiencing in relation to arrousal.
Gabe Deem, the man who runs Reboot Nation, told Rolling Stone:
A lot of the guys I talk to say they can't get it up anymore because of Internet porn.
Historically speaking, a breeze of the wind would affect a teenage boy, and now I have teenage boys age 13, 14, telling me they can't get it up around a naked girl.
Erection problems used to be associated with slightly older men, but now a common thread seems to be appearing, and some believe it's connected to excessive porn use.
Sex therapist, Vanessa Martin also told Rolling Stone:
I have absolutely seen a pretty drastic increase in ED [erectile disfunction] rates among young men, especially in the last two, three years.
My average client base is starting to get younger and younger.
Thanks to free websites like PornHubandXHamster, pornography in many different forms has become easily accessible online, which has reportedly coincided in the rise of PIED cases.
Other things like processed food and drugs have been linked to erectile dysfunction, but the recurrence of porn in cases is making it the most likely culprit.
Gary Wilson, who wrote Your Brain on Porn, gave a TED Talk in 2012 which detailed how porn releases dopamine in the brain - he says this leads to men seeking out more extreme content, thus leading to health problems.
This has also been proven in research. A study of 300 men and women by the San Diego Naval Centre found a clear link between porn and various sexual dysfunctions.
Robert Weiss, a therapist in sex and intimacy issues, wrote for Huffington Postthat since the dawn of the internet his patients reported the following:
- My girlfriend says it feels like I’m “not there”when we’re having sex. And she complains that it takes me way too long to reach orgasm.
- I get super hard when I’m looking at porn, but when I’m with a real woman I struggle to both get and maintain an erection.
- When I’m having sex with my wife, I’m thinking about porn. Otherwise, I just can’t get it up. I think I might prefer porn sex to real sex.
So, what can be done to solve this problem? Well, not watching porn is a great start.
Those that have experienced problems have said that their sexual performance returns to normal after a few months of abstaining from porn.
By removing the stimulation that porn gives an individual, a person's chemical and physical settings slowly begin to revert to their original state.
This is even the case for men who have suffered from porn addiction, although their return to sexual stability can sometimes take longer.
If you're in doubt or worried it's always best to talk to your local GP about options.
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