Narjas Zatat
Jul 24, 2016

Picture: Jean- Sebastien Evrard/Getty/Stock
Summer has finally descended upon the UK.
With the advent of sunshine, women all over Britain are swapping sweaty trousers for flowing skirts.
Temperatures in some parts of the country reached 32 degrees Celsius this week.
20 boys in year nine at Longhill High School in Rottingdean, East Sussex, wore their PE shorts instead of the usual trousers to school because of the heat last Tuesday.
The shorts weren’t part of school uniform policy - even though it featured the school's logo - and the boys were excluded, put in isolation for the day or sent home to change.
But then two days later, the 13- and 14-year-olds decided to wear skirts to school instead, many of them encouraged by their parents.
Because gendered clothing is so twentieth century.
When contacted for comment, head teacher Kate Williams told The Argus:
I have high standards regarding uniform, and today, in the warm weather conditions, these high standards have been challenged by approximately two per cent of parents/students.
According to the BBC one boy, who had worn the skirt, said that while the head teacher didn’t allow shorts to be worn, she had “okayed” the skirts.
This isn’t the first time British boys have worn skirts to protest the heat. In 2013 boys at Gowerton Comprehensive in Swansea wore skirts after shorts were banned.
At least it's the summer holidays now, and kids everywhere are free to wear whatever they want.
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