18 year old Shaedon Wedel, from Kansas, says his best friend Carson’s family treat him as one of their own.
They have been so kind and nurturing to me
So he wanted to do something special for them.
Since the beginning of the school year, he’d been planning to ask Carson’s 15 year old sister Carlie, who has Down’s Syndrome, to her prom.
But he wanted to make it special. He got a Doritos-themed shirt printed up with some awful – but adorable – puns on it:
I know I’m NACHO typical Dorito but... I’m going to be CHEESY and ask: Will you go to prom with me?
Video of Carlie’s ecstatic reaction has gone viral.
Shaedon explained the nacho theme:
I decided on the Doritos theme because I have known her for seven years and there has not been a day that I have not seen her eat Doritos. She absolutely loves them!
My main goal is to make her prom as special as possible. She says she wants to be a princess like Cinderella, and it would mean everything to make her feel that way.
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