Jessica Brown
Sep 16, 2017

Kyle Hubler a teacher from Oregon, has a class full students and a rather jaw-dropping imagination.
When he found out he was moving to a different classroom in the new school year, he spent his spare time converting it into a Harry Potter themed wonderland.
Complete with feather quills, stone walls, candles, a shorting hat and so, so much more.
Hubler wrote:
I wanted to give my students a surprise this year and get them excited to come to class every day. Seeing their reaction made this all worth it!
Seriously, he went all out - the room of requirement would struggle to cope with Hubler's brilliance:
Picture: Facebook / Kyle Hubler
There was even a Pensieve
Picture: Facebook / Kyle Hubler
We all know which chair we'd rather sit in
Picture: Facebook / Kyle Hubler
Picture: Facebook / Kyle Hubler
He posted about his creation on Facebook, where people were understandably amazed.
Hubler told indy100 the lenghts he went to:
I spent five weeks over the summer working on setting up the classroom. Putting up the night sky on the ceiling was by far the most difficult task as I had to individually cut out and paint 130 panels and move one of the tables around the room to hang them up on the ceiling with magnets. I was doing this work mostly when it was 90+ degrees (Fahrenheit) outside and the air conditioning in the school was not on, but even through all of that I never felt like I was really doing work because I kept thinking about my students’ reactions, which made doing it all fun.
And why he chose Harry Potter as the theme:
I’m a big fan of Harry Potter and the themes and messages in the stories about friendship, acceptance, and doing the right thing in the face of adversity. I think those are great values to pass along to my students, but the classroom also serves as a way to build connections with my students by letting them know something personal about their teacher.
And this is what happened when the students saw the room:
When the students first saw the room they were stunned. Many of them stopped in the doorway in shock and to take it all in and then they all scrambled around the room, eyes darting around to catch every detail in every corner. Their favorite spaces were Dumbledore's office and the common room. They also are very intrigued by my magic wand that turns on our class projector.
More: The one common Harry Potter questions JK Rowling can't stand
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