Emily Chudy
Aug 03, 2021

The swan was put in the back of a police car (Cambridgeshire Constabulary/PA)
A “cheeky” swan was detained by police in Cambridgeshire after reportedly blocking traffic.
The swan was put in the back of a police car and released into the nearest lake after calls came in about the bird blocking the A428 at Hardwick.
“On Friday, our road policing officers received multiple reports of an angry individual swanning around and blocking traffic on the A428 at Hardwick,” Cambridgeshire Police said.
On Friday, our road policing officers received multiple reports of an angry individual swanning around and blocking…
Posted by Cambridgeshire Constabulary on Monday, August 2, 2021
They added: “One swan detained (put in the back of a police car) and taken to custody (the nearest water officers could find!)
“Thank you to those who reported it and helped us to rescue this cheeky chap!”
Comparisons were made by Facebook commenters to the film Hot Fuzz, in which Simon Pegg and Nick Frost play police officers in a fictional small town and deal with their own pesky swan.
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