Evan Bartlett
Oct 22, 2014

Support for membership of the European Union among people in Britain is at its highest level since 1991, despite the rise of Ukip and David Cameron's push for reforms on our relationship with the Union.
A poll by Ipsos-Mori shows that 56 per cent of people would choose to stay in the Union, with 36 per cent opposed and a further eight per cent undecided.
There is no clear answer why support would rise for staying in the EU, but one plausible idea is that as Euroscepticism has risen in some parts of Britain, the resolve of those opposed to that sentiment has strengthened.
Voters for the main three political parties are generally in favour of remaining in the EU, while only 11 per cent of Ukip supporters would choose to stay.
The pollsters also report that the exact relationship people believe Britain should have with Europe is slightly more complex.
As the chart shows, only 14 per cent of people believe Britain should strengthen ties to the continent, while 28 per cent feel the country should have an economic relationship, but not a political one to the union.
More: The eight EU reforms David Cameron wants from Brussels
Ipsos-Mori polled 1,002 adults across Britain. No data was given for Green Party, SNP or Plaid Cymru voters.
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