
Julia Hartley-Brewer doesn't seem to understand why Stormzy would want paying for a live performance

Julia Hartley-Brewer chose the wrong Glastonbury performance to criticise when she called out Stormzy for asking to be paid to perform at a gig.

Taking to Twitter after the superstar's historic performance at Glastonbury on Friday, during which he got 100,000 people to shout "f*** Boris", Hartley-Brewer wrote: "Is that the same Stormzy who is a staunch Corbynista socialist but who declined to perform at #Jezfest because Labour wouldn't pay him a £100,000 fee for a 20 minute set? Just checking..."

Hartley-Brewer is referring to reports from June 2018 when Stormzy was earmarked to play the pro-Corbyn Labour Live festival in London, but reports alleged that the Labour leader's team had deemed the grime artist too expensive.

But people were quick to rinse the Talkradio host on Twitter, pointing out that Stormzy had every right to ask for money to perform at a gig - and they certainly didn't hold back.

The Talkradio host later followed-up on her tweet, saying she is "100% in favour of him asking for more money to reward his unique skill".

More: Stormzy goes viral after getting Glastonbury crowd to shout 'f**k Boris' during his headline performance

More: Sign language interpreter who signed along to Stormzy goes viral

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