
Steve Bannon was interviewed on BBC Radio 4 and people are furious

The notorious far-right political strategist Steve Bannon has today been interviewed on BBC Radio 4's Todayprogramme.

Bannon, who was an adviser to Donald Trump and was also a founding member of the conservative news outlet Brietbart,spoke to Jon Sopel, the BBC's North American editor, at the US-Mexico border.

The 65-year-old who has been accused of promoting a 'white nationalist' agenda is never shy of controversial decisions and during their 28-minute conversation topics such as Boris Johnson, Brexit, Nigel Farage and Ilhan Omar were all brought up.

As controversy tends to follow Bannon around like a bad smell (so it's not just his body odour?), the backlash to the BBC giving someone with his notoriety such considerable airtime was vast and completely and utterly damming, with some questioning why 'extremism' is being normalised on the airwaves.

Others were critical of the BBC for allowing Bannon to say a multitude of things, without hardly being questioned.

Of course, there were a few jokes.

More: Nigel Farage gave Steve Bannon a painting of Bannon dressed as Napoleon

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