
Stephen Fry has made the ultimate myth-busting video about private healthcare vs the NHS

When times get rough, there's always Stephen Fry to put things right for a brief second.

Fry, the ever-reasonable bastion of knowledge, has made an incredible 11-minute video that clearly lays out the facts regarding Britain and America's healthcare systems. This comes as America debates healthcare in the run up to the 2020 election, while Brits fear for the NHS's future in post-Brexit Britain.

Fry starts off by saying that in the US, an ambulance can cost between $200 and $ 2000.

He then told a heartbreaking story of a baby that required emergency surgery, but its parents couldn’t afford an ambulance so drove their child to hospital instead.

Next, Fry analysed how much money different countries spend on healthcare, with the US coming out way in front of the rest.

The US spends over double the amount of money per person on healthcare than the UK, despite Britain having a free national health service.

Despite this, many of the the leading causes of death worldwide are higher in the US than in other countries. At the same time, unnecessary services cost the US $210billion per year.

Fry then uncovered estimates that suggest 20 per cent of all US medical care, when conducted for profit, is unnecessary. Including 22 per cent of prescriptions and 25 per cent of tests.

Next Fry uncovered research which suggests that the UK ranks far higher for Care and efficiency than America, despite the fact that Americans spend so much more on healthcare.

Not only this, but lack of health insurance is associated with 45,000 deaths in America each year.

And if universal healthcare is as bad as Fox News would have Americans believe, why do 68 of healthcare professionals support it, despite potential risks to their income?

Lastly, Fry took aim at Boris Johnson’s plans to cut taxes for higher earners.

These plans were announced despite 62 per cent of British people saying they support tax rises to pay for the NHS.

Fry’s video ends on a chilling note, emphasising the need to protect Britain’s NHS from any post-Brexit transatlantic trade deal. Watch the entire video below.

Sign the petition to keep the NHS out of US Trade deals.

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