People across the world are celebrating Saint George, who has become a symbol of English nationalism in the UK - which is ironic, given that he wasn't even English.
Brits will be taking to the streets wrapped in white and red flags, painting their faces with the colours of England and some, celebrating being proud to be English (Brexiteers will probably be out in droves).
What is it?
St George's day, also known as the Feast of Saint George is celebrated on 23 April (the widely held date of his death) by various different churches across the UK. George is the patron saint of England as well as various other European countries.
According to legend, Saint George slayed a dragon and saved a town from its fiery clutches.
How is it celebrated in England?
St George’s Day isn’t an English bank holiday, but people mark it by flying flags with the image of St George's cross outside their homes and in pubs.
It is in this light that Brexiteers are being lightly dragged - given that, as history suggests, Saint George was not even English. Or British.
In fact, there are several reasons Saint George would probably despise Brexit and its racist undertones.
1. Saint George is actually a symbol of multiculturalism
A large body of historians believe George was born in Turkey to Greek-speaking parents (this is why he is also celebrated as a patron in Greece). Though Greek-speaking, his mother and father were from Cappadocia in central Turkey and Palestine respectively. George served in the army of an Italian city-state and ultimately died living in modern-day Palestine.
That's about as multicultural as it gets.
2. Saint George was an immigrant
George moved around and travelled to different countries, probably seeking employment. He moved from Cappadocia to Palestine and came to be employed as a palace guard for the emperor Diocletian.
3. He spread new religious ideas
When Saint George was alive, the Roman Empire worshipped a variety of pagan gods. George spread his foreign, Middle-Eastern derived religion to Western civilisation - Christianity. In fact, he was so persuasive that he reportedly convinced Empress Alexandra of Rome to adopt Christianity – which spread throughout the empire until it was officially adopted.
4. And he was prosecuted for them
George was persecuted and disriminated against for his new religion, as were many others during the Roma era.
5. He's the patron saint of lots of places across Europe
Saint George isn’t just the patron saint of England: He’s the patron saint of Bulgaria, Palestine, Ethiopia, Greece, Lithuania and Georgia.
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