Sandra Salathe
Apr 05, 2021

Traveling during a global pandemic has its own set of challenges, and most airlines have strict Covid protocols in place to protect passengers.
On Monday, that led to an altercation between a family with a maskless toddler, and the plane’s crew - which led to the family being kicked off the plane.
The altercation on the Spirit Airlines flight from Orlando, Florida to New York City was caught on camera.
The two-year-old girl was part of a family, including a father, a mother, and a boy with special needs. According to Yeshiva World News, the toddler was eating yogurt on her mother’s lap when a flight attendant ordered the family to exit the plane.
“They are throwing the whole family off – because a two-year-old isn’t wearing a mask,” one passenger said.
According to ABC News, major US airlines began revising their policies in late July, from “young children” being excluded from wearing masks, to “all children age 2 and up” being required to wear a face-covering in order to fly. All airlines say their policies align with US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.
The World Health Organization says children aged five years and under are not required to wear masks. In addition, the CDC also states that a mask can briefly be removed while eating, drinking, or taking medication - which the toddler was doing at the time.
The family given a second chance, however, and boarded a flight to Atlantic City later in the day. A Spirit spokesman said: “We have allowed the guests to continue on the flight to their destination after assurances of compliance.”
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