
Southport: ‘Fearless’ woman praised as she’s pictured holding up ‘hope not hate’ sign to far-right protesters

Southport: ‘Fearless’ woman praised as she’s pictured holding up ‘hope not hate’ sign to far-right protesters
Protesters hurl bricks and bottles at police in Southport in ugly scenes

Amid the horrific violence in Southport, which has seen the far-right attack police and a mosque in response to a stabbing at a Taylor Swift dance event which has claimed the lives of three young girls, one woman has gone viral for her ‘fearless’ counter-protest.

In videos circulating online, the woman is seen wading through the mob before standing next to a police officer, holding up a sign which reads: “One race - human. Hope not hate. Racism not welcome here.”

Merseyside Police report that 22 officers were injured following the violent scenes in the town, with eight sustaining serious injuries “including fractures, lacerations, a suspected broken nose and concussion”.

Other officers suffered head and facial injuries, one was knocked unconscious, and three police dogs were injured.

Cars and wheelie bins were set alight, bricks were thrown at the local mosque and a convenience store was damaged.

The rioting has been met with widespread condemnation from senior politicians, with Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer saying those who “hijacked the vigil for the victims with violence and thuggery” have “insulted the community as it grieves”.

Yvette Cooper, the home secretary, added: “These disgraceful scenes of violence and disorder we are witnessing this evening, with attacks on the Merseyside Police and a local mosque, are completely appalling. Those responsible will face the full force of the law.

“It is appalling that the local police, who have already dealt with extraordinarily difficult circumstances this week, and are undertaking an urgent criminal investigation, should be on the receiving end of violence and abuse.”

Jenni Stancombe, the mother of one of the girls killed in the attack – Elsie Dot Stancombe – also called for the violence to stop, with the Liverpool Echo reporting she said: “This is the only thing that I will write, but please stop the violence in Southport tonight. The police have been nothing but heroic these last 24 hours and they and we don’t need this.”

And after footage from the Liverpool Post was shared online of a woman standing up to the far-right on Tuesday, Twitter/X users have branded the individual “brave” and “a light in the darkness”:

A 17-year-old male from Banks in Lancashire, born in Cardiff, has been arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder in connection with Monday’s stabbing.

Police are urging anyone with information or video footage of the incident, or of the violence and disorder which followed the next day, to come forward by direct messaging @MerPolCC on Twitter/X or calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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