A man has resigned from his job by giving his colleagues a 'sorry for your loss' card, and people are absolutely loving it.
On the front of the card, it says:
So very sorry for your loss.
And, inside, Sam Baines, 22, wrote:
My last day at work is the 28th July.
The printed text in the card read:
Thinking of you at this difficult time.
The images of the card, which have been shared by the author's colleague Hannah, have been retweeted approximately 52,000 times, as well as being liked by nearly 300,000 people.
Speaking to Business Insider about the card, Baines said:
I've been working here for almost a year now and had to hand my notice in as I'm going back to university this September.
We are a really close team and have a fantastic manager so we're always joking around and having fun. I knew I had to do something a little more creative when giving my notice to try and get one more joke in before I left!
I knew my boss would find it funny so I wasn't worried about how they'd take it. I came up with the idea because I was always joking about how much they'd miss me when I was gone, then thought a condolences card would be the perfect way to finish it off.
It went down great and helped make a positive from an otherwise sad situation.
Business Insider also spoke to Hannah, who shared the tweet, and she confirmed that the card had been taken in very good spirits.
Everyone was laughing and pretty amused with the card.
It was done in good spirit and not as a petty reaction as some people think.
Sam had decided to resign from his job at the call centre in Sheffield, and he chose to do so in style on 27 June.
It goes without saying that people on social media loved the card, and it got an extremely positive reaction on Twitter.
Other people have taken their resignations even further.
Some even got cake involved.
Including cupcakes.
It seems to be a very popular way of leaving a role.
Nice one, Sam! Job done.
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