
Someone actually thought this was an appropriate image for a job advert

Someone actually thought this was an appropriate image for a job advert

In a crowded jobs marketplace, it's important to stand out from the crowd, whether you're an employer or a would-be employee.

But the below job advert, posted by jobs firm ICS Recruitment on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, almost redefines the phrase 'ill-advised'.

The accompanying text reads:

Secretary required in Mayfair. Stockings optional! £35k. Ready to assume the position? Contact ICS Recruitment now.

Unsurprisingly, people weren't impressed.

ICS Recruitment defended the ad, saying it was simply the poster from 2002 film Secretary, about the pre-Fifty Shades of Grey BDSM relationship between a boss and his employee.

But nevertheless, ICS Recruitment later removed every trace of the advert from its social channels.

More: [Someone turned 'the dress' into a very powerful message]1

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